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Learning to learn

The language of learning

I can learn!

I can learn!

I can learn!

I can learn!

Already Howard Gardner talks about different intelligence and Ken Robinson about every individual element each of us has to find. According to various research not only the human species can learn, also other animals, plants and even buildings can learn. Of course it depends on how you define learning for each object, but it simpy shows that humans are closer to their environment, natural and artificial, than we thought.  What is learning and differs it from schooling? Learning defined through neuroscience and psychology means long-lasting change in behaviour. Long-lasting is the key word here, sustainable knowledge.  Learning about learning is called meta learning and often used in computer science in context with artificial intelligence. It means that we learn through remembering different experiences and therefore develop our own knowledge about our best way to learn.

Through the primary and secondary research the following learning methods have been defined:

What is important to keep in minD?

Play and Fun

Learning should always be fun and enjoyable. Once the joy is gone, learning won´t be as effective as it should be. Animals, therefore also humans, learn a lot through playing. Games foster creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and systems thinking as well. They are a great tool to learn different skills and make connections to real life experiences. Everything can be a game, it just depends on the interests of each individual. Educational games are not attractive among children and adults, original games are great to foster independence and confidence. Gamification analog and digital helps a lot and unschooled as well as schooled children enjoy ever kind of fun activity while learning. Can playing be the bridge between the unschooled and schooled system and can it be a design tool towards a de-schooled system? 


One of the key competences we have to develop for a sustainable future is collaboration. Not only between humans but also everything that surrounds us. Through collaboration we can understand our environment better and stop destroying our planet (hopefully). Unschooled children learn a lot through collaboration, schooled children are collaborating with their peers too but it is still too less. Teachers are working for children but often not with them. Staff of the school, parents and the social bubbles of pupils should be included more too. Let´s make the world our classroom and use all the knowledge that exists outside of school. 

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