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Home education without schooling


+ Focus on the child

+ Focus on the individuality

+ Increasing self confidence

+ Foster critical thinking

+ All about fun and Enjoyment

+ Learning through experience

+ Learning for life and not for school


Not allowed in some countries -

Bad reputation -

Doesn´t fit for everybody -

Is a Privilege -

Many different variations -

Children can not „escape“ from education -

It isn´t an easy path -


I decided to focus on home education because it is the  opposite of schooling. Not to confuse with home schooling here, which is school at home pretty much. Unschooling, or home education, is a possible alternative to the school system for families that can afford it and have the strength, time and patience to do so. For some families, the home educated system might fit, but they might be afraid to do so or don´t have the capacities and strength. In addition, other alternatives to the public-school system, for example Montessori schools and democratic schools like the very famous Summerhill school in Suffolk, England, are also not accessible for everybody. Home education is a privilege but so is education in general. Schooling is an option, education is not! And this has to be clearly communicated to all parents and educators. The participants of the qualitative research all agreed on one main benefit: unschooling is all about the fun and enjoyment. Learning without enjoying has no value to the children, therefore it is not sustainable. Children can grow and develop through their own interests and learn how to be critical and think for themselves. They don´t get confronted with grades and pressure so they learn through other motivations. These are all aspects that are important for a sustainable education system. Therefore it is necessary to include unschooling and take the key factors of it to de-school education and the traditional public school system.

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